Monday, January 19, 2009

Quilling tip of the day

Here's a tip, one that I learned the hard way. I made this cute little daisy card, embellished with some embossing around the edge (which doesn't show up very well in the pictures).

When I looked at it today (after all the glue dried), I realized I made a boo-boo. One that I cannot fix, and will probably have to throw away the whole dang card for. See if you can spot it...

Do you see it? If not, here is a close up...

What is it, you ask? Well, those orange/brown spots in the center of the top two petals are...rust. Yep, rust. It is visible in each petal, but most visible in the top two. How in the world did I manage to get rust on my beautiful flower creation? Well, it goes like this. The other night, it was last when I was cleaning up my supplies. I mistakenly grabbed the wrong pin to insert into the glue bottle. This is what my bottle looks like - it has the fine tip, which makes gluing small projects oh so much easier.

When I pulled the pin out yesterday to begin my quilling, the glue at the top of the tube was brown with rust. So, I thought that I cleaned it out well enough, didn't see any brown tinged glue when testing it, and proceeded to make my project. After gluing the flower together, I went ahead and glued it down to my card. Little did I know that when it dried, it would be spotted brown. Ugh! Dang it, and I really liked this card, too! Lesson of the day: use the RUST PROOF pin in the glue bottle.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Paper Quilling Intro

Finally! A real post on our new blog! My name is Cindy, and my Mom & I have opened our own little shop on Etsy, selling various crafts that we make. I do paper quilling, embossing, and basically paper-related crafts. Each of us will try to blog at least a couple times a week on the crafts we are working on, or different little tips and tricks.

I have been quilling for a little over 3 years now. I saw it is a book, purchased the supplies, and taught myself. Paper quilling is a simple craft, and to make the different shapes, you twirl a piece of paper around a tool, let the shae expand, and form it into the shape you desire. Here are a few photos of projects I have completed.

As of right now, each of these are for sale on our Etsy site. We have many more, so please check us out. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

More to come soon!

We are just getting our blog set up, and promise to have updates soon, so please check back!!! It will be worth your time!